Thursday, January 04, 2007

of creativity, individuality, and a cup of mayo

SZG had tuna salad the other day. My kids had chicken salad for lunch. Whitefish salad is one of my favorites, and turkey salad is a staple, post-Thanksgiving meal in my house. Does anyone else notice we are missing something here?

Where is the beef salad? Where is the pork salad? Why isn't someone mixing mayo with these tasty meats?

Artie Lange sees a get-rich scheme in the making. Be on the lookout for Artie's House of the Beef Salad Sandwich. Coming to a redlined neighborhood near you.


Bert Bananas said...

How about Chitlin Salad dressing with extra trans fatty fatty two by fours?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Beef Salad some kind of porn slang?

katrocket said...

I've had Beef salad before in a Thai restaurant, but it didn't contain mayo. It was spicy marinated steak on a garden salad, and I loved every minute of it.

But I didn't understand what all the bright lights and cameras were for until I read Birdy's comment.

ArtieLange said...

Sorry, Kat. Thai beef salad doesn't work I'm talking about the obligatory, "put mayo on it and call it salad" salad.

This is no time to be discussing Thai food, however. I have a roast pork in the oven. Pork salad coming up!

BTW, Birdy is still the most Jersey guy I know. Congrats, Rev!

ArtieLange said...


What, do you work for the Tuna Lobby or something? I bet the tuna you eat is caught in nets and that they certainly mix in the dolphins they kill, as well. I am a line caught guy, myself, but I digress.

With regard to Quinten, you need to tell it to me straight. Is that plagerizer lifting my material again?

BTW, you are a anti-Hollandite, and I am reporting you to Ajax and James van der Beek.