Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ford is Dead
GM sure to follow

Sleep well President Ford. You were a good man and deserve kudos for saving the presidency at a time of crisis. Also, I like your son in When Harry Met Sally. I don't know his name but he plays Sally's boyfriend at the airport. Very handsome.

Most of all, I liked your character on the Simpsons. "Homer, do you like beer and nachos? Would you like to come over my place and have beer and nachos and watch football?" Ha ha, Hee hee. Very funny.

They say bad news comes in threes. Who will be next? Kobiyashi? Estelle Getty? Jack Klugman? We are losing the 1970's. Very sad.

On a happy note, there was an Iris sighting on the great Steakbellie's blog. Wow! I'd love to hear all about the first semester at school.


steakbellie said...

the only thing i know about Ford is that he is the first President I rememeber.

I think Chevy Chase did a good Ford on SNL. Probably the only good thing he's done

katrocket said...

"GM sure to follow"

heh heh good one

ArtieLange said...


Interstingly, Nixon wanted to pick Texas Governor John Connelly as VP (Agnew had already resigned), but was urged to chose Ford. Connelly was indicted on some fraud and corruption charges the day Ford was announced as VP. Had Connelly been picked, the institution of the presidency might not have survived as we know it. In the end, Connelly was acquited.


It's funny, a few weeks ago I was wondering who would die first Ford or Ford. I guess I got my answer.

Anonymous said...

Here's another weird Ford note - his name is Not Gerald Ford. He was born Leslie King. But his mom remarried. She and his step-dad then renamed him Gerald Ford, Jr (when he was like 3 years old).

He also turned down offers to play pro for the Lions and the Packers.

And another thing, the History Channel daily e-mails are awesome!