Monday, October 17, 2005

Killing two birds with one burning cross

I’m always looking for ways to bring people together. I don’t do the matchmaker thing very well as far as love is concerned; but, when it comes to finding areas of mutual self-interest, I must claim an uncanny power. You know, he cooks fries for a living; she drives a Volvo that runs on vegetable oil…presto! A match made in heaven!

Which brings me to my plan to bring our troops home and defeat Islamic-based terrorism (the rest of the terrorists will have to wait, while I think of my next plan). Simply put, send all US-born skinheads, Nazis and Klan members to Iraq. I figure they hate, among others, Arabs. Now, I am loathe sharing my plan with the Pentagon just yet since I fear these hate-mongering groups may kill indiscriminately and not focus on the terrorists. But as Dr. Phil might sarcastically ask of our present plan, “how’s that workin’ for you?”
Innocent Iraqis and soldiers are dying at the hands of terrorists, insurgents, and US-led forces everyday. Meanwhile, Nazi’s are living large, hating big-time, and planning demonstrations in Toledo, Ohio.

Let’s send these folks to Iraq. Transport them via the old slave ships and let them do the fighting. My guess is, in the end, the Klan, et al will lose, but in their deaths won’t we all win? And perhaps, we will get lucky and they will pick-off a few of the truly nasty folks in the process.

Can my plan work? What needs to be done? I can’t do this alone. In need your help.
Operation Burning Cross has begun!


Anonymous said...
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steakbellie said...

"Meanwhile, Nazi’s are living large, hating big-time, and planning demonstrations in Toledo, Ohio."

It couldnt be funnier if it were true!!!!....oh wait...

thanks I laughed my ass off

Can we send Dr Phil along with to be their 'Sarge'?

ArtieLange said...

Thanks. I was going to try camouflaging the klan member's hood but didn't have time. File this one away with my edible lottery ticket idea.